Establishing Your Right With Help From A Disability Attorney In San Francisco

by | Dec 24, 2013 | Law, Lawyers

  A Disability Attorney San Francisco offer you the opportunity to fight for your right to benefits. Your attorney evaluate your case to establish that it meets all eligibility requirements. If additional evidence is required your attorney will instruct you what information is needed. Typically, this data consists of medical records that state the nature of your disability and establish a time line for its progression. If your disability is linked to an accident or injury, your attorney needs documents that show how the disability was caused and its nature.

Establishing Your Rights

To establish your rights to social security disability, your attorney must present clear evidence of your disability. This attorney must also present the exact reasons why you are unable to support yourself by becoming gainfully employed. You must possess significant evidence that proves that there is a direct link to your disability and why you cannot work in that you possess an impairment that is either physical or mental. You must also meet all of the eligibility requirements for the state of California to receive these disability benefits. An attorney within this field can assist you in present a solid case in court to acquire these benefits.

Disability Attorney in San Francisco

John Robert Unruh provides assistance with disability claims. He offers guidance throughout this process to ensure that you understand the needs for proving that you have a disability and to protect your interests. This attorney creates an effective claim to present in court to detail your disability and how it was produced. He will assist you in acquiring the benefits that you are entitled to receive. To schedule consultation with this attorney contact him at the number that appears on his website at


A Disability Attorney San Francisco provides legal representation for any individual who was denied the right to social security disability benefits. Your attorney also provides you with assistance if you haven’t filed a claim before to receive these benefits. Through the claims process your attorney provides proof that you meet the eligibility requirements to receive social security disability benefits in California. To file a claim or fight a denial contact John Robert Unruh immediately.

For more information about disability attorney in San Francisco, Click here.

Law Office of John Robert Unruh
315 Montgomery Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

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