Three Ways You Can Help Car Accident Attorneys Cape Coral Florida

by | Apr 17, 2013 | Accident Attorney, Law

Car accidents can be a very traumatic experience to go through, especially if you or someone you love is seriously injured. The type of medical treatment or therapy that you might need to recover, can cost a fortune and put a strain on your financial situation. If the accident was the fault of someone else, you might need the help of car accident attorneys cape coral florida. While the majority of the case prep will be the responsibility of the lawyer, there are a few things you can do to assist him or her in putting things together.

One of the ways to help car accident attorneys cape coral florida is by taking the time to fill out a proper police report after the accident. A police report is one of the most important pieces of evidence your attorney will need to build your case. The police report will be an official account of the accident from your perspective, and could be used to help prove the accident was no fault of your own. If your injuries are severe, you may have to do this step at the hospital, or while waiting for medical personnel to arrive on the scene.

Another way to help out car accident attorneys cape coral florida is to provide your doctor with a detailed medical history. One of the main jobs your attorney has is proving that the injuries you sustained are a result of the car accident and not pre-existing conditions. Your lawyer will go over medical records with a fine toothed comb, and may ask your physicians to testify on your behalf. It’s important to disclose any prior conditions at the ER while you are being treated, so the record can clearly indicate what was caused by the accident and what wasn’t.

Finally, you should have one of your friends or family members take photos of the vehicles at the scene of the accident, if they should happen to be with you. These photos can have a tremendous impact on your ability to win the case, and your attorney would be glad to include them as evidence.

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